Friday, February 27, 2009

Rate It Now To Move Forward

Nowadays. like many in the web analysis world, I can't seem to hear enough about social networking and engagement measurement. People are attempting to put it all into one neat
package, and boy won't we be lucky when this happens. Though fascinating and extremely important topics, for a while nowmy thoughts have shifted towards weighted rating/indexing
and internal persuasion campaigns. You know, assigning appropriate values to what's important to 'you.' Yes, I'm talking about different areas in your site, offline activities, your KPIs, etc. Would it not be great to really focus on what type of social network is most valuable to the company, the brand?
Or how about the ability to assign a weighted engagement value to fit the needs of your specific site type. Without going into the different types - remember -not all sites out there are eCommerce - the purpose varies and many measure success differently.
I find indexing extremely valuable not only when attempting to prioritize but when I'm deciding on what to test and integrating actionable web data with other data sources.

I consider myself privileged to have worked for someone years ago who believed in its value and advocated its use. Now that I work at ZAAZ, I'm surrounded by advocates which is nice. ZAAZ addresses this with both their clients and the performance marketing community!
The subject makes it' way to the WAA Standards Committee meetings time and time again!

However, I find that though many companies think it's valuable, they are just not doing it!
So why are they not...The time is not taken to really work through the details and socialize it within the organization's culture.
These are one of the items I find myself struggling with when dealing with clients day to day.
There's a sense of no desire to take on this important responsibility. I think that stakeholders get so wrapped up with perfection, focusing on quick wins and the risk of being
held accountable that many organizations ultimately do nothing.
I suggest starting out small.
Begin with:
  • One specific project
  • Use what you know to guide
  • Use and outline what you know to determine how the rating scale will work
  • promote it within throughout the process


  • the need for perfection
  • paralysis

Basic - you may say?...then do it! Let me know how it goes.